Research Article

Mortality Related Risk Factors in High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism in the ICU

Table 1

Patient characteristics of study cohort ().

Age (years)70.5 (61.3–77.8)
Male gender26 (46.4)
Active smoking4 (7.1)
APACHE II score18.0 (16.0–21.0)
PESI score133.5 (104.5–163.5)
 Hypertension29 (51.8)
 Diabetes mellitus15 (26.8)
 Arrhythmia10 (17.9)
 Alzheimer’s disease/dementia9 (16.1)
 Congestive heart failure8 (14.3)
 Coronary artery disease8 (14.3)
 Stroke8 (14.3)
 COPD4 (7.1)
Major symptoms on admission
 Dyspnea54 (96.4)
 Pleuritic chest pain33 (58.9)
 Palpitation28 (50.0)
 Confusion14 (25.0)
 Syncope12 (21.4)
 Fever10 (17.9)
 Cough10 (17.9)
 Hemoptysis3 (5.4)
Electrocardiography findings
 Sinus tachycardia35 (62.5)
 New RBBB12 (21.4)
 RV strain25 (44.6)
 S1Q3T3 pattern19 (33.9)
Echocardiography findings
 PA pressure (mmHg)50.0 (45.0–60.0)
 RV dysfunction45 (80.4)
 LV ejection fraction (%)55.0 (55.0–60.0)
Computer tomography pulmonary angiography findings
 Central PE46 (82.1)
 Lobar PE10 (17.9)
 Vessel diameter (mm)
  Main PA29.8 (27.2–32.9)
  Right PA22.2 (20.1–26.1)
  Left PA23.7 (21.7–26.8)
 Other findings
  Pleural effusion21 (37.5)
  Atelectasis20 (35.7)
  Ground glass appearance16 (28.6)
  Infarct16 (28.6)
  Reticular shadows15 (26.8)
  Consolidation13 (23.2)
Compression ultrasonography for lower extremities (available in 39 patients)
 Acute thrombosis10 (19.2)
 Chronic thrombosis22 (42.3)

All values are expressed as numbers (percentages) or median (interquartile range).
APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ECG: electrocardiography; ICU: intensive care unit; LV: left ventricle; PA: pulmonary artery; PE: pulmonary embolism; PESI: pulmonary emboli severity index; RBBB: right bundle branch block; RV: right ventricle.