Research Article

Computed Tomography Findings of Pulmonary Mycobacterium simiae Infection

Table 1

Underlying conditions in medical and habitual history (CRF: chronic renal failure, COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Predisposing factors in medical and habitual historyFrequency

Smoking22 (64.7%)
Opium consumption10 (29.4%)
Alcohol abuse2 (5.9%)
Malignancy1 (2.9%)
CRF1 (2.9%)
Diabetes mellitus12 (35.3%)
Immunodeficiency1 (2.9%)
TB history14 (41.2%)
Cardiac disease13 (38.2%)
Chest wall deformity12 (35.3%)
COPD6 (17.6%)
Cystic fibrosis7 (20.6%)