Research Article

Investigating Cost Implications of Incorporating Level III At-Home Testing into a Polysomnography Based Sleep Medicine Program Using Administrative Data

Table 1

Costs within the sleep lab program at the SHR. All prices are reported in 2014 Canadian Dollars. The variability of PSG costs is because some patients get their titration and diagnosis on two separate nights, while others get it done in one night (a “split-night” visit).

Section (total cost)ComponentCostExplanation

Level III testing
Tech consult$29.25$39 hourly, 45-minute appointment
Disposable equipment$6.83Respiratory effort belts $1.23/m & cannula $3.08
Embletta kit cost$2.61$469 for parts used 180 times before replacement
Tech scoring$38.99Billable code
Resp. interpretation fee$51.50Billable code
Admin costs$12.08$24.15 hourly, 0.5 hours per patient

Machine cost$7.54Machine costs $1750, used once a week for 5 years with a 3% degradation in price over time
RN visit$86.80$57.87 hourly, 1.5-hour appointment
Resp. interpretation fee$102.20Billable code

($384, $523, or $660)
Equipment$14.04Belts and cannula from above, acetone ($1.39) and collodion ($0.89)
Overnight tech$229.67$39/hour, two patients for 11.78 hours per night
Daytime tech$48.74$39 hourly, 1.25-hour appointment
RN$28.93$57.87 per hour, 0.5-hour appointment
Resp. fee (titration)$137.00This is a billable code
Resp. fee (diagnostic)$276.00This is a billable code