Research Article

Coronary Artery Disease: A Study on the Joint Role of Birth Weight, Adenosine Deaminase, and Gender

Table 6

Birth weight in relation to ADA phenotype in healthy newborn and in subjects with CAD.

Healthy newbornsCAD
ADA 1/1Carriers of ADA*2 alleleADA 1/1Carriers of ADA*2 allele

 % proportion of newborns with a BW 3000 g26.5%22.4%54.3%76.9%
 total no.310584613
 % proportion of newborns with a BW 3000 g21.6%24.6%25.8%20.0%
 total no.33361625

Three-way contingency table analysis by a log-linear model
x = ADA, y = BW, and z = gender
x y z interaction G   df   𝑃         G  df   𝑃
0,674      1  .4301.121  1  .320
Independence of factor z from factors x and y     2.145  3  .38019.7323  .0002