Case Report

Internal Mammary Arterial Injury from Lead Extraction: A Clinically Subtle yet Important Complication of Implantable Device Removal

Figure 1

(a) Volume-rendered image showing aneurysmal dilatation of the LIMA (white arrow) fistulized with the left brachiocephalic vein (black arrow). (b) Three-dimensional reconstructed images show aneurysmal dilatation of the LIMA (small black arrow) near its origin from the subclavian artery (large black arrow) and its relationship with the left subclavian and brachiocephalic vein (white arrow). (c) Selective arteriogram of the subclavian artery demonstrating aneurysmal dilation of proximal LIMA (white arrow) and fistulization with the left brachiocephalic vein (black arrow). (d) Successful coil embolization of LIMA (arrow) showing closure of AVF.