Research Article

Androidal Fat Dominates in Predicting Cardiometabolic Risk in Postmenopausal Women

Table 2

Longitudinal analysis: covariates associated with each outcome variablea assessed from baseline through 36 months ( 𝑁 = 2 2 4 ).

Outcome variableIndependent variableLikelihood ratio b Parameter estimateStd. errort valuePr(>t)

LDL-CAndroidal fat mass8.930.2740.0922.990.0029
HDL-CAndroidal fat mass41.13−0.3370.052−6.51≤0.0001
Time point 121.4791.0651.390.17
Time point 242.1061.0661.980.049
Time point 363.6071.0663.380.0008
TriacylglycerolAndroidal fat mass73.190.0060.0018.79≤0.0001
GlucoseAndroidal fat mass36.130.1650.0315.280.0032
Time point 122.8021.0152.760.0059
Time point 363.5991.0153.550.0004
FamHx “don’t know”6.8682.3032.980.0032
Uric AcidAndroidal fat mass49.300.0270.0047.19≤0.0001

a Each final longitudinal model included obligatory variables: treatment (control versus combined treatment with 80 mg or 120 mg of isoflavones), time point (baseline versus 12, 24, or 36 months), treatment by time point interaction, and site (ISU versus UCD), as well as potential covariates that included androidal fat mass (kg) adjusted for height, time since last menstrual period (TLMP), family history of CVD (Fam Hx) coded as a categorical variable (none versus positive or none versus unknown), and Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score. This table shows only those covariates that were significant ( 𝑃 . 0 5 ) for each outcome variable or had a tendency ( 𝑃 . 1 0 ) to be significant.
b The likelihood ratio for each model represents the ratio of a model that includes only obligatory variables compared to the final model that includes obligatory variables and covariates. The overall P value for each model was ≤.0001, except the LDL model had a P value = . 0 0 2 8 .