Clinical Study

Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defects in Children, Middle-Aged Adults, and Older Adults: Failure Rates, Early Complications; and Balloon Sizing Effects

Table 4

Comparison of ASD diameters, device sizes, device/diameter ratio, and procedural times in successful cases of patients who had TEE only or TEE with balloon sizing.

TEE only ( )TEE with balloon sizing ( ) value95% CI of the difference

ASD diameter (mm) <0.001*−4.0–−1.4
Device size (mm) 0.004*−3.41–−0.66
Device/ASD diameter ratio 0.005*0.02–0.15
Procedural time (min) 0.3−5.9–1.9
Fluoroscopy time (min) <0.001*−5.2–−2.2

Values are expressed by mean ± SD.
*Statistical significance at value <0.05.