Clinical Study

Chronobiological Analysis of Blood Pressure in a Patient with Atrial Fibrillation at the Development of Heart Failure and Its Therapeutic and Surgical Treatment

Figure 1

24- and 12-hour rhythms of cardiovascular functions during heart failure development and treatment. SBP: systolic blood pressure, DBP: diastolic blood pressure, HR: heart rate. Blue curves: daily mean values, red: 24-hour rhythm parameters, and green: 12-hour rhythm parameters. Rhythm parameters: M: mesor, A: amplitude, and Ph: acrophase. Abscissae: above: stages of development (according Table 1), below: calendar time (dates in 2010). Ordinates: upper row left: BP or HR values (mmHg, beats/min), upper row right: amplitudes (same units of measurements), lower row left: acrophases (degrees of cycle), and lower row right: acrophases of 24-hour rhythm (clock time).