Research Article

Crossing at a Red Light: Behavior of Cyclists at Urban Intersections

Table 1

Covariates selection and explanation.


AG (age group)Binary indicator1 if old (≥50), 0 otherwise
GEN (gender)Binary indicator1 if male, 0 female
NT (nonmotor vehicle type)Binary indicator1 if electric bike, 0 human-powered bike
WN (waiting number)Continuous variableThe number of other cyclists that are waiting for a green light when arrives
CN (crossing number)Continuous variableThe number of other cyclists that are crossing agiainst the red light when arrives
TC (twice crossing)Binary indicator1 if twice crossing behavior, 0 otherwise
MV (motor vehicle volume)Continuous variableAverage motor vehicle volume per lane per min on red-light phase when the cyclist arrives
TT (travel time)Binary indicator1 if a cyclist travels in peak hour, 0 otherwise