Research Article

[Retracted] Basel III Liquidity Risk Measures and Bank Failure

Table 5

Descriptive statistics of NPAR, ROA, LIBOR-OISS, and BIIT1KR for Class I and II banks.

Basel III liquidity standards Traditional liquidity risk measures

Mean (0.133841, 0.125932) (1.058636, 0.989545) (0.005023, 0.005023) (0.119500, 0.109432)
Median (0.093000, 0.075000) (1.295000, 1.205000) (0.002000, 0.002000) (0.118500, 0.109000)
Maximum (0.279000, 0.311000) (1.690000, 1.410000) (0.036000, 0.036000) (0.133000, 0.116000)
Minimum (0.062000, 0.059000) (−0.040000, −0.090000) (0.001000, 0.001000) (0.113000, 0.105000)
Std. Dev. (0.078458, 0.075746) (0.519461, 0.447416) (0.008168, 0.008168) (0.004542, 0.003669)
Skewness (0.713759, 0.822853) (−0.601728, −0.939206) (2.949292, 2.949292) (0.967224, 0.607675)
Kurtosis (1.927948, 2.345809) (1.944343, 2.676113) (10.78247, 10.78247) (3.209685, 2.049259)

Jarque-Bera (5.843023, 5.749916) (4.698321, 6.661111) (174.8269, 174.8269) (6.941108, 4.365138)
Probability (0.053852, 0.056419) (0.095449, 0.035773) (0.000000, 0.000000) (0.031100, 0.112751)

Sum (5.889000, 5.541000) (46.58000, 43.54000) (0.221000, 0.221000) (5.258000, 4.815000)
Sum Sq. Dev. (0.264696, 0.246713) (11.60312, 8.607791) (0.002869, 0.002869) (0.000887, 0.000579)

Observations (44, 44) (44, 44) (44, 44) (44, 44)