Research Article

A Novel Approach to Study Real-Time Dynamic Optimization Analysis and Simulation of Complex Mine Logistics Transportation Hybrid System with Belt and Surge Links

Table 1

The real-time dynamic control methods of simulated system.

All kinds of statesReal-time dynamic simulation control methods

For entrance of binLinks ahead of bin and bin itself are all in working stateAllowing logistics to be transported to bin
Links ahead of bin are in failureNot allowing logistics to be transported to bin
Bin itself is in mechanical and electrical failure statesNot allowing logistics to be transported to bin
Links ahead of bin are normal, but bin itself is in empty bin stateAllowing logistics to be transported to bin

For exit of binLinks behind bin and bin itself are all in working stateAllowing logistics to be transported out of bin
Links behind bin are in failure stateNot allowing logistics to be transported out of bin
Bin itself is in mechanical and electrical failure statesNot allowing logistics to be transported out of bin
Bin itself is in empty bin stateLinks behind bin must stop operating.