Research Article

Forecasting Beijing Transportation Hub Areas’s Pedestrian Flow Using Modular Neural Network

Table 1

Correlation analysis between pedestrian flow and influential factors.

Pearson correlation coefficientSig. (2-tailed)

Regional land usage0.8720.0002200
Effective width of sidewalks−0.2960.0002200
Proportion of reverse pedestrians−0.1460.0002200
Type of buffer−0.2420.0001257
On-street parking0.2230.0002200
Isolation between nonmotor vehicles and motor vehicles−0.0720.0021893
Inside motor vehicle flow−0.1680.0002200
Building facilities−0.0720.0012200
Distance between pedestrian and nonmotor vehicles0.1660.0001893
Distance between pedestrian and motor vehicles0.1310.0002200