Research Article

Multispecies Coevolution Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Previous Search History

Algorithm 3

Pseudocode of multispecies coevolution particle swarm optimization based on previous search history.
()    Stochastically generate a population of N individuals in search space;
    Set the numbers of clusters and the total number of iteration T;
    Calculate fitness values of individuals;
()    Normalize the dimensions of each individual as Algorithm 2;
()    Initialize the fitness tree as Algorithm 1;
()    ; ;
()  While ()
()    If ()
()        Partition the whole population into multiple species based on K-means clustering;
()      End If
()      Update the position of individuals according to Eq. (6) and (7);
()      Normalize the dimensions of each individual as Algorithm 2;
()      Insert new individuals into fitness tree as Algorithm 1;
()      Update some individuals from fitness tree;
()      Calculate fitness values of individuals;
() End