Research Article

Simulation of Pedestrian Crossing Behaviors at Unmarked Roadways Based on Social Force Model

Table 1

Parameter calibration results.

ParametersEq.Estimates value

Strength coefficients for force from other pedestrians (7)0.750.03
Reaction distance for force from other pedestrians (7)1.750.04
Strength coefficients for force from other vehicles (42)70.02
Reaction distance for force from other vehicles (42)100.02
Strength coefficients for force from obstacle (17)0.50.01
Reaction distance for force from obstacle (17)4.70.04
Strength coefficients for force from boundary (53)2.70.05
Reaction distance for force from boundary (53)4.90.03
Strength coefficients for force between vehicle and pedestrian (50)5.30.03
Reaction distance for force between vehicle and pedestrian (50)5.70.07
Reaction distance for acceleration interaction (46)5.59
Reaction distance for braking interaction (46)8.62
Constant (29)1.70.03
Constant (30)4.50.07
Constant (29)3.40.05
Constant /m(49)7.20.01
Constant /m/s(54)3.670.07
Radius of pedestrian /0.5
Relaxation time of pedestrian /s(4)0.3
Relaxation time of vehicle /s(46)2.4
Braking time of vehicle (46)0.77
Simulation time step (36)0.06
Anisotropic factor coefficient , , and (13), (20), (23), (44), (51)0.3
Desired speed of pedestrian /m/s(4)1.37
Desired speed of vehicle /m/s(30)14.7