Research Article

Closeness Degree-Based Hesitant Trapezoidal Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Method for Evaluating Green Suppliers with Qualitative Information

Table 2

The FLE evaluation results of green suppliers in food supply chain.

SubcriteriaGreen suppliers

Between MG and GAt least GGMG
MGAt most MPMPBetween MP and F
MGBetween MG and GAt least MGG
MPMGBetween P and MPMG
Between F and GGGBetween MG and G
Between MP and FFPBetween P and MP
Between P and MPBetween MP and FFMG
GMGAt least GVG
MPAt most PFBetween P and F
MPFAt most MPBetween P and MP
Between MP and FBetween P and MPFMG
MGAt least MGMGAt least G
MPAt least MPMPF
At most PFBetween F and GMP