
We study the global stability of three HIV infection models with humoral immune response. We consider two types of infected cells: the first type is the short-lived infected cells and the second one is the long-lived chronically infected cells. In the three HIV infection models, we modeled the incidence rate by bilinear, saturation, and general forms. The models take into account two types of discrete-time delays to describe the time between the virus entering into an uninfected CD4+ T cell and the emission of new active viruses. The existence and stability of all equilibria are completely established by two bifurcation parameters, and . The global asymptotic stability of the steady states has been proven using Lyapunov method. In case of the general incidence rate, we have presented a set of sufficient conditions which guarantee the global stability of model. We have presented an example and performed numerical simulations to confirm our theoretical results.

1. Introduction

During last decades, many researchers have developed and analyzed several mathematical models which describe human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) dynamics (see, e.g., [112]). HIV mainly targets the CD4+ T cells, leading to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Most of the HIV mathematical models presented in the literature consider only one type of infected cells called short-lived infected cells. However, it was shown that there is another source for the virus which is called long-lived chronically infected cells. This type of cells generates smaller number of viruses than the short-lived infected cells, but it lives longer [4]. The basic HIV dynamics model with long-lived chronically infected cells presented in [4] is given byHere , and are the concentrations of the uninfected CD4+ T cells, short-lived infected CD4+ T cells, long-lived chronically infected CD4+ T cells, and free virus particles, respectively. represents birth rate constant of the uninfected CD4+ T cells. is the infection rate constant. Parameters , and are the death rate constants of uninfected CD4+ T cells, short-lived infected CD4+ T cells, long-lived chronically infected CD4+ T cells, and free viruses, respectively. The fractions and with are the probabilities that, upon infection, an uninfected CD4+ T cell will become either long-lived chronically infected or short-lived infected. and denote the average numbers of free virus particles produced in the lifetime of the short-lived infected and long-lived chronically infected cells, respectively. Model (1) incorporates reverse transcriptase inhibitor drugs with drug efficacy and .

In model (1), the immune response has not been modeled. The immune response plays an important role in controlling the diseases. In reality, the immune response needs indispensable components to do its job such as antibodies, cytokines, natural killer cells, and T cells. The antibody immune response is a part of the adaptive system in which the body responds to pathogens by primarily using the antibodies which are generated by the B cells, while the other part is the Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL) immune response where the CTL attacks and kills the infected cells [3]. In malaria disease, the humoral immune response is more effective than the CTL immune response. In the virus dynamics literature, several models have considered the effect of CTL immune response [3, 13] or the humoral immune response [1416]. Obaid and Elaiw [15] proposed the following model which takes into consideration the humoral immune response:Here, the variable represents the concentration of B cells. The HIV are attacked by the B cells at rate . The terms and represent the proliferation and death rates of the B cells, respectively. In model (2), it is assumed that once the HIV contacts the CD4+ T cell, it becomes infected producing new viruses. Actually, there exists an intracellular time delay between the time the HIV contacts an uninfected CD4+ T cell and the time it becomes actively infected CD4+ T cell [17]. In the literature, several papers have proposed various HIV models with time delays [1721].

Our aim in this work is to propose three HIV dynamics models with two types of infected cells, two types of intracellular delays, and humoral immunity. Bilinear and saturated incidences have been proposed in the first and second model, respectively, while a general nonlinear incidence rate is proposed in the third model. For each model, we derive two bifurcation parameters, and , and establish the global stability using Lyapunov functional.

2. Model with Bilinear Incidence

We propose the following HIV infection model with humoral immunity, two types of infected cells and two types of intracellular delays:Parameter represents the time between HIV contact with an uninfected CD4+ T cell and the cell becoming infected but not yet producer cell. The factor represents the loss of CD4+ T cells during the interval . The parameters and represent the time necessary for producing new infectious viruses from the short-lived infected and long-lived chronically infected cells, respectively. The factors and represent the loss of short-lived and long-lived chronically infected cells during the intervals and , respectively. Here, , and are positive constants.

The initial conditions for system (2) are given bywhere , where is the Banach space of continuous functions and . We note that system (3)–(7) with initial conditions (8) has a unique solution satisfying [22].

2.1. Positive Invariance

Proposition 1. The solution of (3)–(7) with initial conditions (8) is nonnegative for and ultimately bounded.

Proof. Assume that on for some constant and , . From (3), we get and hence , for some , and sufficiently small . This leads to a contradiction; therefore, , for all . From (4), (5), and (6), we haveThis confirms that , , and , for all . By a recursive argument, we get that , , and , for all . Moreover, from (7), we obtain Clearly, , . Now, we let , , , , , , and ; then,Hence, . Since , , and , then and . Also,Hence, . Since and are nonnegative, then and . Therefore, , and are ultimately bounded.

2.2. Steady States

System (3)–(7) always admits an uninfected steady state . Let Now, we define the basic reproduction number for system (3)–(7) as The system has two other steady states, infected steady state without humoral immune response and infected steady state with humoral immune response :We note that , , , and are positive when and where , , , and and when . Now, we define humoral immune response reproduction number asClearly, . From above, we can state the following lemma.

Lemma 2. For system (3)–(7), one has the following:(i)If , then the system has only one positive steady state .(ii)If , then the system has two positive steady states and .(iii)If , then the system has three positive steady states , , and .

2.3. Global Stability Analysis

We establish the global stability of all the steady states of system (3)–(7) employing the method of Lyapunov function. Let us define

Theorem 3. For system (3)–(7), if , then is GAS.

Proof. Definewhere , are positive constants satisfying the following equations:The solution of (18) is given byThe values of , will be used through the paper. Calculating the derivative of along the solutions of system (3)–(7) and applying , we obtainThen,Therefore, if , then , for all . The solutions of system (3)–(7) limit , the largest invariant subset of [22]. We note that if and only if , , and . For each element of , we have and ,; then, andSince , then . Hence, if and only if , , , , and . It follows from LaSalle’s invariance principle (LIP) that is GAS when .

Theorem 4. For system (3)–(7), assume that ; then, is GAS.

Proof. DefineThen, is given byEquation (24) can be simplified asApplying , we getUsing the steady state conditions for ,we get andConsider the following equalities:Using (29) in case of , we obtainWe have if , then . Since , then for all , we have . We note that at . Then, from LIP, is GAS.

Theorem 5. For system (3)–(7), assume that ; then, is GAS.

Proof. We considerFunction along the trajectories of system (3)–(7) satisfiesUsing the steady state conditions for ,we get andUsing (29) in case of , we obtainSince , then , and . It is observed that if and only if , , , and . Therefore, if , then and (6) becomeswhich gives . Hence, is equal to zero at . The global stability of follows from LIP.

3. HIV Dynamics Model with Saturated Incidence

We present an HIV infection model with saturated incidence:where is the saturation incidence rate constant. Similar to the previous section, one can show that the solutions of the model are nonnegative and bounded.

3.1. Steady States

System (37) always admits an uninfected steady state , where . Now, we define the basic reproduction number for system (37) as The system has two other steady states and , whereWe note that , , , and are positive when . And and when . Now, we define another threshold parameter asClearly, . From above, we have the following result.

Lemma 6. For system (37), one has the following:(i)If , then the system has only one positive steady state .(ii)If , then the system has two positive steady states and .(iii)If , then the system has three positive steady states , , and .

3.2. Global Stability Analysis

In this subsection, we investigate the global stability of system (37) by constructing suitable Lyapunov functionals and applying LaSalle invariance principle.

Theorem 7. For system (37), if , then is GAS.

Proof. DefineCalculating the derivative of along the solutions of system (37), we obtainCollecting terms of (42), we obtainIt follows that is GAS when .

Theorem 8. For system (37), assume that ; then, is GAS.

Proof. ConsiderThen, is given bySimplifying (45), we getApplying , we getUsing the steady state conditions for ,we obtain andConsider the following equalities:Using (50), when , we getWe have if , then , where equality occurs at . LIP implies global stability of .

Theorem 9. For system (37), assume that ; then, is GAS.

Proof. We considerCalculate along the trajectories of system (37) asUsing the steady state conditions for ,we get , andUsing (50), when , we getSimilar to the proof of Theorem 5, one can show that is GAS.

4. Model with General Incidence

In the following model, we assume the incidence rate is given by a general function of the concentration of CD4+ T cells and viruses:The incidence rate is given by which is assumed to be continuously differentiable; moreover, it satisfies the following conditions.

Condition C1. (i) Consider and , for all . (ii) Consider , and , for all .

Condition C2. (i) Consider , for all . (ii) Consider

The nonnegativity and boundedness of the solutions of model (57)–(61) can be shown as given in Section 2.

4.1. Steady States

Lemma 10. Suppose that Conditions C1 and C2 are satisfied; then, there exist two bifurcation parameters and with . Moreover,(i)if , then the system has only one positive steady state ,(ii)if , then the system has two positive steady states and ,(iii)if , then the system has three positive steady states , , and .

Proof. LetEquation (66) admits two solutions, and . Substituting into (63) and (64), we obtain and asSubstituting (67) into (65), we getUsing Condition C1, we have is a solution of (68). Therefore, and which leads to . If , then, from (62) and (68), we obtainwhere . Then, (68) becomes Let us define a function asCondition C1 implies that , and when , then . We have From Condition C1, we have ; then, Therefore, if , that is, , then there exists such that . From (62), we define a function as Using Condition C1, we have and . Since is a strictly decreasing function, then there exists a unique such that . It follows that and . It means that an infected steady state without humoral immune response exists when . Now, we define the parameter asThe other possibility of (66) is . Insert in (62) and define as Applying Condition C1, then is a strictly decreasing function. Moreover, and . Thus, there exists a unique such that . It follows from (63)–(65) thatThus, and ; moreover, when . Now, we define parameter as Hence, can be rewritten as . It follows that exists when .
Conditions C1 and C2 imply that

4.2. Global Stability Analysis

Theorem 11. Let Conditions C1 and C2 be satisfied and ; then, for system (57)–(61) is GAS.

Proof. DefineThen,Equation (81) can be simplified asBased on Condition C2, the first term of (82) is less than or equal to zero. Therefore, if , then , for all . Similar to the previous sections, one can show that is GAS.

Condition C3. Consider

Lemma 12. Suppose that and Conditions C1–C3 hold. Then, exist satisfying

Proof. From Condition C1, for , we haveApplying Condition C3 when ,  , and , we getIt follows from inequality (86) that We assume that . Then, we haveand using inequalities (85) and (86), we obtain , and this leads to contradiction. Therefore, . From the conditions of , we have ; then,Using inequalities (85) and (88), we obtain .

Theorem 13. Assume that and Conditions C1–C3 are satisfied; then, for system (57)–(61) is GAS.

Proof. Let us defineThen,Collecting terms of (92), we obtain Applying , we getUsing the steady state conditions for ,then we have and Using the following equalities,in case of , we obtainSince , then Conditions C1 and C3 and Lemma 12 imply that , for all , where the equality occurs at . LIP implies that is GAS.

Theorem 14. Let and Conditions C1–C3 be satisfied; then, for system (57)–(61) is GAS.

Proof. We consider a Lyapunov functional: Then,Using the steady state conditions for , we get , and Using (97), when , we getIt is easy to show that is GAS.

5. Numerical Simulations

In this section, we show an example of the general model (50)-(57) where Conditions C1–C3 can be satisfied:where ,  . In this example, the incidence rate is given by We have the following:Then, Conditions C1–C3 are satisfied. The parameters and will bewhereThe values of some parameters of model (104) are listed in Table 1. The remaining parameters of the model will be chosen varied. Without loss of generality, we let . We have used MATLAB for the numerical computations. Now, we study the following cases.

Case 1 (effect of the parameters and on the stability of the system). Now, we confirm the results of Theorems 1114. The evolution of the dynamics of model (104) was observed over a time interval . We have chosen the initial conditions as follows: , , , and . We use three sets for the parameters and to get the following three subcases. We fix the values and :(i). The values of and are chosen as virus−1 mm3 day−1 and virus−1 mm3 day−1. The values of the two bifurcation parameters are computed as and . This means that is GAS. One can see from Figures 15 that the numerical results confirm the results of Theorem 11. We observe that the states of the system eventually approach the steady state . In this case, the HIV will be removed from the blood.(ii). We take the values virus−1 mm3 day−1 and virus−1 mm3 day−1. In this case, . According to Theorem 13, is GAS. From Figures 15, we can see that there is a consistency between the numerical and theoretical results of Theorem 13. Moreover, the states of the system converge to the steady .(iii). We choose virus−1 mm3 day−1 and virus−1 mm3 day−1. Then, we compute and . From Figures 15, we can see that the states of the system approach the infected steady state with humoral immune response . This supports the results of Theorem 14 that the infected steady state without humoral immune response is GAS.

Case 2 (effect of the parameter on the stability of the system). For this case, we take day−1, virus−1 mm3 day−1, and virus−1 mm3 day−1. In Figures 610, we show the effect of the drug efficacy on the stability of the steady states of the system. We can see from Figures 610 that as the drug efficacy is increased, the concentration of uninfected CD4+ T cells is increased, while the concentrations of free virus particles, B cells, short-lived infected cells, and long-lived chronically infected cells are decreased. From these figures and Table 2, we can see that the values of and are decreased as is increased. Using the values of the parameters given in Table 1, we obtain the following:(i)If , then exists and it is GAS.(ii)If , then exists and it is GAS.(iii)If , then is GAS.It means that the numerical results and the results of Theorems 1114 are compatible. In this case, the treatment with sufficient drug efficacy can succeed to clear the HIV from the plasma.

Case 3 (effect of the parameter on the stability of the system). We fix the parameters , virus−1 mm3 day−1, and virus−1 mm m3 day−1. In Figures 1115, we show the effect of the time delay parameter on the stability of the steady states of the system. We can see from Figures 1115 that the time delay parameter plays a similar role as the drug efficacy parameter . From these figures and Table 3, we can see that the values of and are decreased when is increased. Using the values of the parameters given in Table 1, we obtain the following:(i)If , then exists and it is GAS.(ii)If , then exists and it is GAS.(iii)If , then is GAS.Figures 1115 show that the numerical results are also compatible with the results of Theorems 1114.

6. Conclusions

In this paper, we have proposed three HIV infection models with humoral immune response and two types of infected cells. The models incorporate two types of discrete delays. The incidence rate of infection is given by bilinear, saturated functional response and general nonlinear function in the first, second, and third model, respectively. We have derived two bifurcation parameters, and . The global stability of all steady states of the models has been established using Lyapunov method. We have presented an example for the general incidence rate and performed numerical simulations to support our theoretical results.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


This paper was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR technical and financial support. The authors are also grateful to Professor Zizhen Zhang for constructive suggestions and valuable comments, which improve the quality of the paper.