Research Article

Association of Obesity-Mediated Insulin Resistance and Hypothalamic Volumes: Possible Sex Differences

Figure 1

Anatomical landmarks for the determination of the hypothalamus and third ventricle (3V) regions of interest (ROIs). (a) Anteriormost coronal view showing the anterior commissure (AC) and optic chiasm (OC). (b) Hypothalamus (red), third ventricle (3V, blue), and anterior commissure and posterior commissure (AC-PC) plane (green) ROIs on the anteriormost coronal slice of the hypothalamus region. (c) Posteriormost coronal view showing the 3V, mammillary bodies (MB), and optic tracts (OT). (d) Hypothalamus, 3V, and AC-PC plane ROIs on the posteriormost coronal slice of the hypothalamus region.