Research Article

Methylation of DLEC1 Promoter Is a Predictor for Recurrence in Chinese Patients with Gastric Cancer

Table 3

Multivariate analysis of recurrence-free survival in gastric cancer according to clinicopathological variables and DLEC1 methylation.

Clinicopathological variablesHR95% CI value

Age (≤65 versus >65)1.120.91–2.040.073
Gender (male versus > female)1.050.70–1.210.103
Tumor size (<4 versus ≥4)1.581.16–2.260.058
Depth of invasion (Tis-1 versus T2-4)3.811.68–6.850.008
Lymphatic invasion (+ versus −)4.542.06–7.360.001
Venous invasion (+ versus −)2.861.43–5.010.017
TNM staging (0-I versus II–IV)2.321.26–4.830.036
Lauren classification (intestinal versus diffuse type)3.661.37–8.940.009
Lymph node metastasis (+ versus −)3.921.78–7.150.002
DLEC1 methylation (>35.10 versus ≤35.10)2.431.38–5.070.025