Research Article

The Relation between eNOS −786 C/T, 4 a/b, MMP-13 rs640198 G/T, Eotaxin 426 C/T, −384 A/G, and 67 G/A Polymorphisms and Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

Table 2

Studied polymorphisms and genotype distribution (expressed as major allele homozygote/heterozygote/minor allele homozygote).

PolymorphismrsMAF (%)Genotype distributionHWE

MMP 13 G/Trs640198G>T; 0.32470220/198/52yes
eNOS –786 C/Trs2070744T>C; 0.37317126/148/43yes
eNOS 4 a/bVNTRb>a; 0.19520342/159/19yes
Eotaxin –426 C/Trs16969415C>T; 0.07445384/56/5yes
Eotaxin –384 A/Grs17809012A>G; 0.48518127/281/110yes
Eotaxin 67 G/Ars1129844G>A; 0.15532391/125/16yes

Variable number of tandem repeats.