Research Article

The Expression of Notch/Notch Ligand, IL-35, IL-17, and Th17/Treg in Preeclampsia

Table 1

The clinical characteristics of patients with preeclampsia and normal pregnancy.

Mild PESevere PENormal pregnancy

Maternal age (years)25.68 ± 2.5026.37 ± 4.1027.38 ± 3.38
Gestational age (weeks)36.42 ± 1.6236.62 ± 1.5738.57 ± 0.98
Systolic pressure (mmHg)147.27 ± 6.45167.25 ± 8.07110.25 ± 8.07
Diastolic pressure (mmHg)92 ± 3.74116.33 ± 8.1575.11 ± 5.58
Proteinuria (mg/24)227.89 ± 28.61#606.86 ± 74.45Absent
Nulliparous 20 (90.9%)18 (90.0%)10 (45.5%)
Smokers 1 (4.6%)1 (5.0%)0 (0.0%)

MAP: mean arterial pressure = (2 × diastolic blood pressure + systolic blood pressure)/3; mild and severe PE versus normal pregnancy; # mild PE versus severe PE.