Research Article

The -844 G>A PAI-1 Polymorphism Is Associated with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Mexican Population

Table 1

Demographic and clinical assessments in ACS patients and HS.

ACS parameterAverage±SD

Ratio male/female3.48
Age (years)62.91 ±11.81
Glucose (mg/dL)164.19 ±69.47
CK (IU/L)892.52±1462.96
CK-MB (IU/L)52.00 ±163.45
Troponin T (ng/mL)7.22 ±14.10
Creatinine (mg/dL)1.05 ±0.96
Hemoglobin (mg/dL)13.62 ±2.17

HS parametersAverage±SD

Ratio male/female1.09
Age (years)56.76±8.37
Glucose (mg/dL)85.53±12.92
Triglycerides (mg/dL)102.50±24.59
HDL (mg/dL)49.99 ±9.99
LDL (mg/dL)90.30±15.4

ACS treatment(%)

ACE inhibitors161 (54.39)
Acetylsalicylic acid282 (95.27)
CCB36 (12.16)
Clopidogrel221 (74.66)
Heparin237 (80.07)
Isosorbide39 (13.18)
Spironolactone101 (34.12)
Statins242 (81.76)

ACS Risk factor(%)

Obesity116 (39.19)
DM2143 (48.31)
Dyslipidemia126 (42.57)
HBP179 (60.47)
Smoking170 (57.43)
COPD8 (2.70)

ACE: angiotensin converting enzyme; ACS: acute coronary syndrome; ARB: angiotensin II receptor blockers; BB: beta blockers; CCB: calcium channel blockers; CK: creatine phosphokinase; CK-MB: creatine phosphokinase MB; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DM2: type 2 diabetes mellitus; HBP: high blood pressure; HS: healthy subjects; SD: standard deviation.