Review Article

Prognostic and Clinicopathological Significance of Downregulated p16 Expression in Patients with Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

Main features of all studies included in the meta-analysis.

AuthorYearNationNo. (M/F)AgeStageGradeCut-off valueOutcomeData extraction Other costudied genesAntibody source (dilution)Detection method of p16

Orlow et al. [4]1999Canada120NRTa–T1G1–G3Score = 3RFS/CPReportedP14Vector (1 : 500)Immunohistochemistry
Bartoletti et al. [8]2007Italy56 (50/6)70.1 (45–89)Ta–T1G1-G210%RFSReported9p21Bio-Optica (1 : 25)Immunohistochemistry
Chakravarti et al. [9]2005 USA50 (36/14)NRT2–T4High20%OS/FFS/DSSReportedErb-1, Erb-2, P53, PRB Zymed (NR)Immunohistochemistry
Hitchings et al. [10]2004UK7866 (24–90)Ta–T1G1–G310%PFS/RFS/CPReportedP53, PRBNovocastra (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Krüger et al. [5]2005Germany73 (60/13)68 (NR)T1G2-G310%RFS/PFSReportedNRBiocarta (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Lee et al. [11]2010Korea47 (4/43)NRTa–T4Low and highScore = 5OS/CPReportedP53, PRBDAKO (1 : 200)Immunohistochemistry
Mhawech et al. [12]2004Switzerland49 (44/5)70.3 (52–90)T1Low and highScore = 3PFS/CPReportedP21DAKO (1 : 20)Immunohistochemistry
Yang et al. [13]2002China 67NRT1-T2G1–G35%RFS/CPBinary variableCyclin D1, CCNE, p27, p21, p53Santa Cruz (NR)Immunohistochemistry
Brunner et al. [14]2008Switzerland99NRTa–T4Low and high1.5% or 23%OS/RFSSurvival curveMTSNeoMarkers (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Friedrich et al. [15]2001Germany40NRTa–T1G1–G35%RFS/CPSurvival curveLOHPharmingen (1 : 100)Immunohistochemistry
Korkolopoulou et al. [16]2001Greece2372 (35–92)T3-T4Low and high5%OS/CPSurvival curveP53Santa Cruz (1 : 100)Immunohistochemistry
Niehans et al. [17]1999USA7864.7 (48–82)T1–T4G2–G4Score = 4DSS/CPSurvival curveP53, PRB, cyclin D1Pharmingen (1 : 400)Immunohistochemistry
Røtterud et al. [18]2002Norway5964 (42–75)T2–T4G2-G3Score = 3CSS/CPSurvival curvep21, p27NeoMarkers (1 : 100) Immunohistochemistry
Vallmanya Llena et al. [19]2006Spain97NRTa–T1Low and high15%RFS/PFS/OS/CPSurvival curvep53, p21DakoCytomation (NR)Immunohistochemistry
Sun et al. [20]2000China 60NRTis–T4G1–G3Score = 4OSSurvival curvePRbSanta Cruz (1 : 100) Immunohistochemistry
Santos et al. [21]2003Portugal56 (40/16)70 (43–83)Ta–T1G1-G220%RFS/CPBinary variablep27, pRb, p53, Ki-67 Pharmingen (1 : 500)Immunohistochemistry
Yin et al. [22]2008USA18NRT1–T4Low and highScore = 4CPBinary variable9p21Pharmingen (1 : 250)Immunohistochemistry
Primdahl et al. [23]2002Denmark69 (55/14)71 (42–83)Ta–T4G1–G4Score = 4CPBinary variableRb, p27, p21, L-myc NeoMarkers (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Jin et al. [24]2006USA39 (25/14)65 (42–84)T2–T4G1–G410%CPBinary variableP53, pRBNR (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Tzai et al. [25]2004China (Taiwan)65 (44/21)61.5 (41–84)T2–T4G2-G3Score = 4CPBinary variableP53, pRBSanta Cruz (1 : 20)Immunohistochemistry
Jin et al. [26]2004China62 (32/30)61 (18–80)Tis–T4G1–G3OCCPBinary variableCyclin D1, PCNA NRImmunohistochemistry
Fu and Li [27]2011China50 (39/11)59.3 (32–81)Tis–T4G1–G310%CPBinary variableE-cadherinNRImmunohistochemistry
Shi et al. [28]2001China62 (52/10)58.5 (22–87)Tis–T4G1–G3Score = 3RFS/CPBinary variablePCNAZymed (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Wang [29]2001China49 (39/10)61 (22–89)NRG1–G310%RFS/CPBinary variableNRNRImmunohistochemistry
Miao [30]1999China50NRTis–T4G1–G3OCRFS/OS/CPBinary variableCyclin D1 Santa Cruz (1 : 100)Immunohistochemistry
Shi et al. [31]2003China82 (65/17)58.7 (24–72)Tis–T4G1–G3OCRFS/CPBinary variableCyclin D1 NRImmunohistochemistry
Yang [32]2005China69 (62/7)61 (42–75)Tis–T4G1–G35%RFS/CPBinary variableP27/nm23NRImmunohistochemistry
Wang et al. [33]2013China45 (30/15)65 (38–80)NRH/L5%RFS/CPBinary variablePTEN/P53NRImmunohistochemistry
Leng et al. [34]2000China51 (43/8)53.4 (28–72)Tis–T3G1–G3OCRFS/OS/CPBinary variablebcl-2 Santa Cruz (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Bai and Xiong [35]2014China65 (50/15) (57.7 ± 8.2)Tis–T4H/L5%CPBinary variablemfn2Zymed (NR)Immunohistochemistry
Wang et al. [36]2000China75 (62/13)58.5 (24–81)Tis–T4G1–G3OCCPBinary variablec-erbB-2, p53Maxim (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Wang et al. [37]2006China55 (35/20)63 (24–75)Tis–T4G1–G310%CPBinary variablehTERT, cyclin D1, RB NRImmunohistochemistry
Lu et al. [38]2008China40 (30/10)54.2 (37–79)Tis–T4G1–G310%CPBinary variablep53, PCNANR (1 : 50)Immunohistochemistry
Xie et al. [39]2003China72 (56/16)NR (29–78)Tis–T4G1–G35%RFS/CPBinary variableRb, cyclin D1 Zymed (1 : 50) Immunohistochemistry
Qiu et al. [40]2006China53 (46/7)61 (25–83)Tis–T4G1–G315%CPBinary variableNRNRImmunohistochemistry
Rebouissou et al. [41]2012France89NRTa–T1G1–G3Score = 3RFS/PFSSurvival curveFGFR3NRFISH
Abat et al. [42]2014Turkey34 (30/4)NRT1–T4Low and highOCPFSReportedp53 NRFISH

M: male; F: female; RFS: recurrence-free survival; OS: overall survival; PFS: progression-free survival; DSS: disease-specific survival; CSS: cancer-specific survival; CP: clinicopathological parameters; OC: other criteria; NR: not reported; No.: number of patients.