Research Article

NFE2L3 Inhibition Induces Cell Cycle Arrest at the G0/G1 Phase in Colorectal Cancer Cells through Downregulating CCND1 and pRb1-ser807/811

Figure 1

Screening and validation of differential expression genes. (a) Volcano plot of differential expression genes in TCGA COADREAD gene expression dataset. -axis: log2 fold change; -axis: -log10 (FDR value) for each probe; vertical dotted lines: fold or ≤2. It showed that 1579 significantly upregulated genes (red color) and 3220 significantly downregulated genes (green color) were selected in this dataset. (b) 11 merged genes were found with the intersection of the top 20 upregulated genes from the COADREAD dataset and 181 upregulated genes from our previous research. (c) NFE2L3 expression levels in 51 normal and 370 tumor samples. NFE2L3 showed significantly higher expression levels in tumor samples than in normal samples (). (d) Validation of NFE2L3 expression levels with 48 paired tumor and paratumor samples. The NFE2L3 mRNA expression level was significantly upregulated in tumor samples ().