Research Article

A Genomic-Clinicopathologic Nomogram Predicts Survival for Patients with Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Table 1

Characteristics of study population with the number of missing values ().

No. (%) or median (IQR)Missing values (%)

Age (years)62 (38-83)0 (0)
SexMale90 (82.6)0 (0)
Smoking historyYes46 (42.2)3 (2.8)
Alcohol historyYes69 (63.3)2 (1.8)
Number of lymph nodes36 (0-121)18 (16.5)
Number of positive LNs1 (0-42)18 (16.5)
Lymph node ratio0.18 (0-1)18 (16.5)
Margin status15 (13.8)
Negative84 (77.1)
Positive10 (9.2)
Tumor status6 (5.5)
Tumor free73 (67)
With tumor30 (27.5)
Tumor grade4 (3.7)
G1-G276 (69.7)
G3-G429 (26.6)
Clinical T4 (3.7)
T1-T219 (17.4)
T3-T486 (78.9)
Clinical N6 (5.5)
N053 (48.6)
N1-N350 (45.9)
Clinical stage4 (3.7)
I-II13 (11.9)
III-IV92 (84.4)
Mutation count153 (36-861)2 (1.8)
Fraction genome altered0.30 (0-0.89)1 (0.9)

Abbreviations: IQR = interquartile range; LN = lymph node.