Research Article

Skin Protection Behaviors among Young Male Latino Day Laborers: An Exploratory Study Using a Social Cognitive Approach

Table 4

Sun protection barriers of the Latino Day Laborers.

Mean (SD)

Not concerned about sun exposure 3.74 (0.93)
Sun protection clothing is too hot to wear 3.99 (0.86)
Not always convenient to protect myself from the sun 4.17 (0.74)
Often forget to protect myself from the sun 4.16 (0.90)
Sun protection measures are expensive 3.60 (0.93)
Use of sun protection measures is time consuming 3.85 (0.60)
Use of sunscreen is too feminine 2.85 (1.00)
I don’t like the smell of sunscreen 2.93 (0.87)
Sunscreen is greasy 3.45 (1.09)
Sunscreen attracts dirt 3.46 (1.06)
Sunscreen sweats off of me 4.04 (0.77)
I can’t reapply sunscreen 4.12 (0.64)