Research Article

Eating Disorders and Major Depression: Role of Anger and Personality

Table 4

Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2).

ED without MDED with MD

DT −7.4000.001
B −5.1380.001
BD −8.6570.001
I −16.1250.001
P −4.8340.001
ID −9.3590.001
IA −10.8020.001
MF −5.5140.001
A −8.5170.001
IR −11.8220.001
SI −11.3990.001

ED: Eating Disorder; MD: Major Depression; DT: drive for thinness; B: bulimia; BD: body dissatisfaction; I: Ineffectiveness; P: perfectionism; ID: interpersonal distrust; IA: interoceptive awareness; MF: maturity fears; A: Asceticism; IR: impulse regulation; SI: social insecurity.