Research Article

Early Life Stress and Child Temperament Style as Predictors of Childhood Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

Table 5

Odds ratios for anxiety and depressive symptoms at age 4 years attributable to person-environment interaction between early life stress and impulsive temperament style.

Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms at 4 years
GroupInfant impulsivityStress exposureNoncaseCaseOR95% CIPPVAR%

Expected ORpeDeparture from% of ORpe attributable
assuming no joint action (E) expected (DE)to the joint action of
person and environment
Additive model of interactionORe+ORp-1ORpe-EDE/ORpe

OR: odds ratio, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval, ORe: lnfant stress exposure, ORp: infant temperament, ORpe: infant temperament and stress exposure, Reference: neither exposure; AR%: attributable risk percent, PPV: positive predictive value.