Research Article

Prospective Associations between Religiousness/Spirituality and Depression and Mediating Effects of Forgiveness in a Nationally Representative Sample of United States Adults

Table 2

Means/proportions, standard deviations/ranges, and bivariate correlations for all study variables.

Dep T2Dep T1FemAgeBlkHspEdInc

Depression time 1.41 *** 1.00
Sex (female = 1).05.09 ** 1.00
Age−.08 * −.10 ** .041.00
Black (other = 0).02−.03−.03−.10 ** 1.00
Hispanic (other = 0).10 ** .00.09 ** −.14 *** −.071.00
Years of education−.03−.01−.06−.11 ** −.09 ** −.07 * 1.00
Income−.12 *** −.07−.16 *** −.11 ** −.14 *** −.10 ** .46 *** 1.00
Separated/divorced (other = 0).04.02−.−.09 ** −.14 ***
Widowed (other = 0)−.01−.04.16 *** .37 *** .01−.05−.22 *** −.28 ***
Never married (other = 0).05.01−.07 * −.41 *** .21 *** −.02.03−.12 ***
Religiousness/spirituality−.09 * −.12 *** .14 *** .17 *** .01−.05.01−.04
Forgiven oneself−.25 *** −.28 *** .05.00−.12 *** .02.22 *** .23 ***
Forgiven others−.25 *** −.30 *** .10 ** .13 *** −.08 * −.04.04.03
Forgiven by God−.09 ** −.08 * .14 *** .07 * .06−.02−.11 ** −.06
Seek forgiveness−.04−.04.27 *** −.02.15 *** −.02−.09 ** −.16 ***



Sep/DivWidNvr MarRel/SpFSFOFGSF

Separated/divorced (other = 0)1.00
Widowed (other = 0)−.11 ** 1.00
Never married (other = 0)−.20 *** −.14 *** 1.00
Religiousness/spirituality−.01.09 * −.14 *** 1.00
Forgiven oneself−.07 * −.07 * −.08 * .07 * 1.00
Forgiven others−.02.08 * −.13 *** .32 *** .39 *** 1.00
Forgiven by God.06.07 * −.14 *** .39 *** .10 ** .26 *** 1.00
Seek forgiveness.02.02−.03.57 *** .02.32 *** .38 *** 1.00


. Listwise . Dep = depression, Fem = female, Blk = black, Hsp = Hispanic, Ed = years of education, Inc = household income, Sep/Div = separated/divorced, Wid = widowed, Nvr Mar = never married, FS = forgiven self, FO = forgiven others, FG = forgiven by God, and SF = seek forgiveness. Values in the “mean/proportion” row represent means for continuous variables and proportions for dichotomous variables; likewise, values in the “SD/Range” row represent standard deviations for continuous variables and range of possible values for dichotomous variables.