Research Article

Altered Neurochemical Ingredient of Hippocampus in Patients with Bipolar Depression

Table 1

Clinical and demographic information for healthy subjects and patients with bipolar depression.

Patients ( )Controls ( )Effect of diagnosis

Gender (F/M)4/126/10
Graduated from high school1214
Handedness (right)1616
Number of subjects who had family history2
YMRS score
HDRS score
NAA/CRE 0.073
 Right 2.490
 Left 2.326
NAA/CHO * 5.251
 Right * 5.105
 Left 4.724
CHO/CRE ** 7.921
 Right * 4.763
 Left *** 3.732

Statistically significant comparisons were indicated with an asterisk.
ICV: Intracranial volume; Y-BOCS: Yale Brown obsession compulsion scale: NAA, N-acetyl aspartate; CHO: choline; CRE: creatine.
* , ** , *** .