Research Article

Stigma and Discrimination in People Suffering with a Mood Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Reliability coefficients for the 7-item Stigma Impact Scale.

Scale itemBipolar Disorder (N = 57*)Depression (N = 62*)
Mean (SD)Item-rest correlationMean (SD)Item-rest correlation

On a scale where 0 is the lowest possible amount, and 10 is the highest possible amount, how much has stigma affected you personally?
 Quality of life5.6 (2.8).674.7 (3.0).72
 Social contacts5.9 (3.3).705.3 (3.1).74
 Family relations5.2 (3.5).563.7 (3.2).75
 Self-esteem6.2 (3.1).476.0 (3.3).67

On a scale where 0 is the lowest possible amount, and 10 is the highest possible amount, how much has stigma affected your family as a whole?
 Quality of Life4.8 (3.8).773.3 (3.3).75
 Social Contacts4.6 (3.8).823.2 (3.1).76
 Family relations5.3 (3.2).773.3 (3.2).76

Chronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient.89.91

Mean scale score 37.5 (18.3)29.5 (18.1)


*Note reduced sample size. Only respondents who answered all scale questions are included in the above table. (117 df) = 2.38, .