Research Article

Temperament, Character, and Depressive Symptoms during Pregnancy: A Study of a Japanese Population

Table 1

Means, SDs, and correlations of the variables used in this study ( to 633).


(1) EPDS
(2) NS0.15***
(3) HA0.35***−0.25***
(4) RD−0.080.3−0.01
(5) PS0.08−0.16***−0.030.11**
(6) SD−0.56***−0.23***−0.48***0.14**0.05
(7) CO−0.29***−0.22***−0.25***0.45***0.18***0.50***
(8) ST0.14**0.21***−0.22***0.010.21−0.11**0.07
(9) Age−0.13**−0.01−0.11**−**0.11*0.07
(10) Partner’s age−0.09*−0.03−0.13**−0.13**0.030.12**0.050.09*0.68***
(11) No. of children0.05−0.040.4−0.030.04−0.020.03−0.030.21***0.14**
(12) Pregnancy complications0.04−0.06−−0.010.09*0.070.11**0.11**−0.01
(13) Gestational week−0.02−0.00−0.11**−−−0.00−0.02−0.05
(14) Response to pregnancy0.16***0.040.03−0.12**−0.06−0.11**−0.09*−0.08−***−0.010.05
(15) Desire for baby−0.13**−****0.15***−0.18***0.6−0.04−0.47***

Cronbach’s alpha

Because pregnancy complications and response to pregnancy were more 2.0 positively skewed, both of them were log-transformed for correlations with other variables. * , ** , and *** .