Research Article

Psychosocial Functioning in Depressive Patients: A Comparative Study between Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Affective Disorder

Table 2

Comparison of clinical variables in MDD and BAD patients.

VariableMean ± S.D. value (df)P value
MDD ( )BAD ( )

Age of onset of illness (years) = 2.27 (94)0.026*
Total duration of Illness (months) = −5.37 (70.4)0.000**
Total no. of episodes = −7.74 (80.3)0.000**
No. of episodes of depression = 1.01 (94)0.317
Duration of current depressive Episode (months) = −0.38 (83.2)0.705
HDRS-17 score = −1.32 (94)0.191
Family history
 Present87 = 0.08 (1)0.779

HDRS: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 item; : chi-square value; df: degree of freedom; * ; ** ; value derived from Fisher’s exact test.