Research Article

Epidemiology of Alcohol Use in Late Adolescence in Greece and Comorbidity with Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders

Table 4

Use of health services use among 16–18 year-old adolescents with frequent alcohol drinking and getting drunk ().

Frequent use of health services1
For a medical reasonFor psychological reasons only
%2OR3 (95% CI4)%2OR3 (95% CI4)

Nonhazardous use16%1.003.10%1.00
Drink alcohol weekly21.4%1.44 (1.06–1.94)4.13%1.34 (0.70–2.57)
Getting drunk 2 times22.91%1.48 (1.03–2.13)5.84%2.07 (1.09–3.93)
Either drink weekly or getting drunk 2 times21.27%1.45 (1.08–1.95)4.54%1.63 (0.87–3.04)

1Frequent use of services defined as having visited (a) a family doctor for any medical reason ≥3 times during the past 12 months or (b) a family doctor or a mental health professional for a psychological reason at least once during the previous 12  months. 2All percentages are weighted to account for the stratified random sampling; 3Odds ratios are adjusted for age and sex and calculated from logistic regression models with frequent doctor visits as the dependent variable and hazardous alcohol use as the independent variable (e.g., the odds of frequent doctor visits for a medical reason was 1.44 times higher for participants with at least weekly alcohol consumption compared to participants with nonhazardous alcohol use); 4CI: Confidence Intervals.