Research Article

Antenatal and Postpartum Depression: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors among Adolescents’ in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Table 8

Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis investigating the influence of selected variables on depression during the postpartum period.

Odds ratio95% CI of the odds ratio valueAdjusted odds ratio (aOR)95% CI of the aOR value

Physical violence7.471.77–28.330.00357.321.66–29.480.0055
Sexual abuse3.620.17–30.240.27672.430.1–24.750.4867
Verbal abuse3.830.98–12.750.03584.31.03–15.790.0322
Intimate partner violence9.981.81–50.180.00489.181.58–48.820.0087
Partner support:
(1) reasonable support0.490.12–2.470.33970.590.14–3.130.4951
(2) A lot of support0.20.04–1.060.04160.230.05–1.30.0733

CI: confidence interval. The multivariable model adjusted for age, HIV status, and the number of people in the household contributing to income.