Original Article

Electroacupuncture at the Zusanli (ST-36) Acupoint Induces a Hypoglycemic Effect by Stimulating the Cholinergic Nerve in a Rat Model of Streptozotocine-Induced Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

Table 2

Hypoglycemic response to EA in STZ-adrenalectomized rats.

Group (n = 6)BeforeAfterHGA%

ADX-EA507   39494   63–3   6
ADX-non EA460   75446   78–3   3

The level of plasma glucose are expressed as mean   SEM (mg dL−1), n: sample number; ADX-non-EA: adrenal glands were removed + STZ induced but did not undergo EA; ADX-EA: adrenal glands were removed + STZ induced, followed by EA; before: before EA; after: after EA treatment at ST-36; comparison of plasma glucose levels before and after EA by self-pair t-test statistical analysis.