Original Article

Garlic Increases Antioxidant Levels in Diabetic and Hypertensive Rats Determined by a Modified Peroxidase Method

Table 2

Serum glucose concentration in different animal groups.

Initial serum glucose (mg/dL)Final serum glucose (mg/dL)

N o r m a l a (saline treated)129 ± 9
Diabetic c o n t r o l a (Saline treated)400 ± 9431 ± 13b
Garlic-treated d i a b e t i c a (500 mg/kg garlic)400 ± 9c237 ± 8c

an = 10 for all groups.
b Significally different compared to normal (P < .05).
c Significally different compared to initial and final diabetic controls (P < .001).