Research Article

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Meditation for Work Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood in Full-Time Workers

Table 1

Comparison of demographic data and primary outcome measures at baseline.

DemographicMental silenceRelaxationNo treatment value

Mean age (95% CI)42.5 (39.8–45.2)41.4 (38.9–44.0)42.3 (39.4–45.2).835a
% White collar worker76%80%64%.123b
% > secondary education46%57%45%.501b
PSQ (95% CI)100.5 (94.6–106.3)100.4 (94.6–106.3)99.9 (92.8–106.9).988a
STATE (95% CI)41.0 (38.0–44.0)41.3 (38.5–44.1)40.3 (37.8–42.9).869a
DD (95% CI)14.4 (11.2–17.6)14.0 (12.0–17.7)12.3 (9.8–14.8).384a

aone-way ANOVA; b test; PSQ: Psychological Strain Inventory; STATE: State/Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults; DD: Depression Dejection (Subscale of POMS).