Research Article

Efficacy of Boesenbergia rotunda Treatment against Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Cirrhosis in a Rat Model

Figure 3

Example images showing macroscopic appearances of the livers sampled from rats in different experimental groups. (a) The liver of a control rat exhibiting regular smooth surface. (b) The liver of a hepatotoxic rat depicting numerous irregular whitish micro- and macronodular on its surface and a large area of ductular cholangiocellular proliferation (arrow) embedded within fibrosis. (c) The liver of a hepatoprotective rat treated with silymarin showing normal smooth surface. (d) The liver of a rat treated with 250 mg/kg of the BR extract illustrating nearly smooth surface with fewer granules (arrow head). (e) The liver of a rat treated with 500 mg/kg of the BR extract having normal smooth surface.