Review Article

Traditional Chinese Medicine-Based Network Pharmacology Could Lead to New Multicompound Drug Discovery

Figure 5

The merged networks of identified differentially expressed genes in RA-cold pattern and protein targets of Fuzi, Xixin, and Guizhi. Red color shows the upregulated genes in RA-cold pattern compared with health; green: the downregulated genes in RA-cold pattern compared with health; Blue color shows the protein targets of Fuzi, Xixin, and Guizhi; yellow color shows the common molecular both in networks of RA-cold pattern and networks of protein targets of Fuzi, Xixin, and Guizhi. (CP: the common canonical pathways related with differentially expressed genes in RA-cold pattern and protein targets of Fuzi, Xixin, and Guizhi both; orange lines: the molecular involved in the common canonical pathways.)