Review Article

Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands

Table 2

Semen variables before and 4 month after maca treatment.

Semen variableBefore maca After maca P value

Volume (mL)2.23 ± 0.282.91 ± 0.28<0.05
pH7.47 ± 0.097.44 ± 0.07NS
Sperm count (106/mL)67.06 ± 18.6190.33 ± 20.46NS
Total sperm count (106/mL)140.95 ± 31.05259.29 ± 68.17<0.05
Motile sperm count (106/mL)87.72 ± 19.87183.16 ± 47.84<0.05
Sperm motility grade a (%)29.00 ± 5.4433.65 ± 3.05NS
Sperm motility grade a + b (%)62.11 ± 3.6471.02 ± 2.86<0.05
Normal sperm morphology (%)75.50 ± 2.0276.90 ± 1.23NS

Data are mean ± standard error of the mean. N = number of subjects, NS: not significant, source: [67].