Research Article

The Effect of Labisia pumila var. alata on Postmenopausal Women: A Pilot Study

Table 3

Cardiovascular risk factors and hormonal changes after 6-month followup trial with placebo and Labisia pumila at 280 mg.

Study variablesTrial groups value
Placebo ( )Labisia ( )Adjusted mean difference (95% CI)

Cardiovascular disease risk factors
 Total cholesterol (mmol/L)5.5 (5.2, 5.9)5.0 (4.6, 5.4)0.5 (−0.06, 1.04)0.082
 Triglycerides (mmol/L)1.9 (1.6, 2.2)1.4 (1.1, 1.7)0.5 (0.02, 0.89)0.042
 Fasting glucose (mmol/L)6.3 (5.8, 6.8)5.6 (5.1, 6.2)0.7 (−0.06, 1.38)0.073
 Diastolic BP (mm Hg)81.2 (78.3, 84.1)82.1 (78.9, 85.2)0.9 (−3.4, 5.2)0.686
 Systolic BP (mm Hg)125.8 (120.9, 130.7)127.5 (122.1, 132.8)1.7 (−5.6, 9.0)0.643
Female hormones (IU)
 FSH36.3 (29.7, 42.8)38.4 (31.3, 45.5)2.11 (−7.62, 11.84)0.665
 LH26.2 (21.8, 30.5)24.4 (19.9, 29.0)1.75 (−4.59, 8.08)0.583
 Estrogen37.5 (31.4, 43.5)33.5 (26.7, 40.3)3.94 (−5.23, 13.10)0.393

Abbreviations: LH: luteinizing hormone; FSH: follicle stimulating hormone; BP: blood pressure.
Values at 6-month followup are expressed as adjusted means (95% confidence interval, CI) and are adjusted for baseline values, age, BMI, and duration of menopause.
Determined by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); value < 0.05 is considered significant.