Research Article

Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants of the Pantanal Region (Mato Grosso, Brazil)

Table 4

Species with the highest values of relative importance.


Apocynaceae Himatanthus obovatus (Müll. Arg.) Woodsonanemia (1), wound healing (7), cholesterol (3), blood cleanser (9), pain (4), nose bleeding (1), hypertension (4), uterine inflammation (5), labyrinthitis (6), muscle relaxant (2), worms (1), vitiligo (1), and pneumonia (1) 45 1.87
Malvaceae Hibiscus sabdariffa Lanxiety/heart (1), flu (1), tachycardia (1), kidneys (1), cramps (3), discharge (1), diarrhea (1), pain (1), inflammation uterine (2), labyrinthitis (3), snakebite (1), and pneumonia (2) 18 1.87
Asteraceae Solidago microglossa DC.wound healing (53), blood cleanser (11), pain (2), bone fractures (1), hypertension (1), uterine inflammation (3), muscle relaxant (6), kidneys (3), and worms (2) 82 1.8
Loganiaceae Strychnos pseudoquina A. St.-Hil.anemia (46), wound healing (3), cholesterol (1), blood cleanser (16), pain (13), stomach (3), bone fractures (1), flu (2), uterine inflammation (1), pneumonia (1), muscle relaxant (1), cough (10), ulcer (1), and worms (8) 107 1.73
Moraceae Dorstenia brasiliensis Lam.wound healing (1), colic (1), tooth ache (1), blood cleanser (4), dysentery (1), pain (7), flu (2), laxative (3), menstruation (1), pneumonia (6), relapse delivery (13), and kidneys (1) 41 1.5
Plantaginaceae Scoparia dulcis L.heart (6), blood cleanser (1), diabetes (1), pain (16), bone fractures (47), swelling in pregnant woman (4), pneumonia (1), kidneys, ( 1) syphilis (3), and cough (1) 55 1.5
Malvaceae Luehea divaricata Mart.uric acid (18), vertebral column (2), blood cleanser (1), throat (1), flu (1), hemorrhoids (7), intestine (1), pneumonia (8), muscle relaxant (2), kidneys (3), cough (10), and tumors (4) 58 1.5

RF: Relative frequency; RI: Relative importance of the species.