Research Article

Acupuncture in the Inpatient Acute Care Setting: A Pragmatic, Randomized Control Trial

Table 2

Comparison of study group numbers and acceptance of acupuncture when offered by all-patient refined diagnosis-related group (APR-DRG).

Diagnosis grouping (APR-DRG codes)Not offered acupuncture percent (#)Offered acupuncture percent (#)Proportion who accepted when offered acupuncture

TOTAL100 (117)100 (228)0.69
Stroke (45–47)3 (3)2 (5)0.80
Pulmonary (121–143)5 (6)8 (19)0.89
 Pneumonia (139)3 (3)4 (8)0.88
 COPD (140)0 (0)3 (7)1.00
Cardiovascular (161–207)32 (38)33 (75)0.65
 Bypass (165–166)3 (3)4 (9)0.78
 PCI with AMI (174)9 (11)9 (21)0.76
 Heart failure (194)8 (9)4 (8)0.50
Gastrointestinal (221–284)11 (13)9 (20)0.75
Musculoskeletal (300–347)37 (43)36 (81)0.69
  Hip/knee (302)24 (28)20 (45)0.62
  Total knee (8154*)16 (19)11 (26)0.58
  Total hip (8151*)4 (5)7 (16)0.56
  Back fusion (304)2 (2)4 (9)0.89
  Intervertebral disc (310)5 (6)7 (15)0.87
Uterine procedures (513)5 (6)4 (8)0.50
Other7 (8)9 (20)0.65

*Procedure codes.
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PCI: percutaneous coronary interventions; AMI: acute myocardial infarction.