Research Article

Comparative Study of TCM Syndrome Scale for Liver Disease and Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire Based on Assessment of Posthepatitic Cirrhosis

Table 5

Canonical correlation coefficients of variables of TCMLDQ and CLDQ.

Canonical variableCoefficientWilk’sChi-squaredfP value

1 (U1 and V1)0.8120.212215.318300.000
2 (U2 and V2)0.5320.62465.619200.000
3 (U3 and V3)0.3240.87019.418120.079
4 (U4 and V4)0.1660.9723.98860.678
5 (U5 and V5)0.0270.9990.10320.950

Note: U (U1 to U5) stands for extracted canonical correlation variables from a group of X variables (TCMLDQ); V (V1 to V5) stands for extracted canonical correlation variables from Y (CLDQ).