Research Article

Korean Red Ginseng Improves Blood Pressure Stability in Patients with Intradialytic Hypotension

Table 2

Comparison of body weights and ultrafiltration rates with and without Korean red ginseng treatment.

Group A (HTN) valueGroup B (non-HTN) valueAll value
Phase I (−KRG)Phase II (+KRG)Phase I (−KRG)Phase II (+KRG)Phase I (−KRG)Phase II (+KRG)

BW predialysis (Kg) 0.862 0.218 0.415
BW postdialysis (Kg) 0.296 0.888 0.994
Dry BW (Kg) 0.054 0.386 0.282
Target UF (L) 0.616 0.322 0.33
Actual UF (L) 0.850 0.198 0.338
% target UF 0.231 0.794 0.319

Values are expressed as means ± SD; BW, body weight; KRG, Korean red ginseng; UF, ultrafiltration; % target UF, percentage of actual UF/target UF. Phase I is the controlled phase without KRG treatment, expressed as −KRG; phase II is the KRG treatment phase, expressed as +KRG.