Research Article

Antibacterial Activities of Selected Cameroonian Plants and Their Synergistic Effects with Antibiotics against Bacteria Expressing MDR Phenotypes

Table 2

Bacterial strains and features.


Escherichia coli
 ATCC8739 and ATCC10536Reference strains
 AG100Wild-type E. coli K-12[31]
 AG100AAG100 ΔacrAB::KANR[31, 34]
 AG100ATETΔacrAB mutant AG100, owing acrF gene markedly overexpressed; TETR[31]
 AG102ΔacrAB mutant AG100[35]
 MC4100Wild type E. coli
 W3110Wild type E. coli [36]
Enterobacter aerogenes
 ATCC13048Reference strains
 EA-CM64CHLR resistant variant obtained from ATCC13048 over-expressing the AcrAB pump[37]
 EA3Clinical MDR isolate; CHLR, NORR, OFXR, SPXR, MOXR, CFTR, ATMR, FEPR [38]
 EA27Clinical MDR isolate exhibiting energy-dependent norfloxacin and chloramphenicol efflux with KANR and AMPR and NALR and STRR and TETR[38, 39]
 EA289KAN sensitive derivative of EA27[40]
 EA298EA 289 tolC::KANR[40]
 EA294EA 289 ΔacrAB: ::KANR[40]
Enterobacter cloacae
 ECCI69Clinical isolatesLaboratory collection of UMR-MD1, University of Marseille, France
 BM47Clinical isolatesLaboratory collection of UMR-MD1, University of Marseille, France
 BM67Clinical isolatesLaboratory collection of UMR-MD1, University of Marseille, France
Klebsiella pneumoniae
 ATCC12296Reference strains
 KP55Clinical MDR isolate, TETR, AMPR, ATMR, and CEFR[41]
 KP63Clinical MDR isolate, TETR, CHLR, AMPR, and ATMR[41]
 K24AcrAB-TolCLaboratory collection of UMR-MD1, University of Marseille, France
 K2AcrAB-TolCLaboratory collection of UMR-MD1, University of Marseille, France
Providencia stuartii
 NEA16Clinical MDR isolate, AcrAB-TolC
 ATCC29914Clinical MDR isolate, AcrAB-TolC[42]
 PS2636Clinical MDR isolate, AcrAB-TolC
 PS299645Clinical MDR isolate, AcrAB-TolC
Pseudemonas aeruginosa
 PA 01Reference strains
 PA 124MDR clinical isolate [43]

aAMP, ATMR, CEFR, CFTR, CHLR, FEPR, KANR, MOXR, STRR, and TETR. Resistance to ampicillin, aztreonam, cephalothin, cefadroxil, chloramphenicol, cefepime, kanamycin, moxalactam, streptomycin, and tetracycline; MDR: multidrug resistant.