Research Article

Effects of Different Electroacupuncture Scheduling Regimens on Murine Bone Tumor-Induced Hyperalgesia: Sex Differences and Role of Inflammation

Figure 3

Graphs illustrating the effect of EA and Sham EA administered once on PID 1 ((a) and (b), resp.) and EA or sham EA administered prophylactically prior to tumor cell implantation ((c), (d), resp.) on tumor-induced mechanical hyperalgesia. Sham electroacupuncture produced no significant effects on mechanical hyperalgesia when compared to tumor controls, –12/group. Neither EA once/1 (a) nor Sham EA Once/1 (b) had any significant effect on tumor nociception. EA Pro produced an early anti-nociceptive effect beginning on PID 3 in both male and female animals (c). This effect was more robust and lasted longer in females. Sham EA Pro had no effect on tumor-induced hyperalgesia. Data shown as mean % response ± SEM, ** , and **** .
(a)   MF Tumor versus MF EA ONCE/1
(b) MF Tumor versus MF SHAM EA ONCE/1
(c) MF Tumor versus MF EA PRO
(d) MF Tumor versus MF SHAM EA PRO