Research Article

Rats Born to Mothers Treated with Dexamethasone 15 cH Present Changes in Modulation of Inflammatory Process

Table 2

Percentage of macroscopic lesions in MIX = dexamethasone 15 cH + dexamethasone 4 mg/kg; DEX = dexamethasone 4 mg/kg; UHD = dexamethasone 15 cH; CONT = control (water). * ; ** , in relation to MIX. Fisher’s test.

Macroscopic lesionsMIX Dexa 4 mg/kg + Dexa 15 cHDEX Dexa 4 mg/kgUHD Dexa 15 cHCONT vehicle

Embryo absorption100**100**1020
Cannibalism evidence (percentage of dead newborns found in the cage)136
Cannibalism evidence (percentage of mothers that showed this behavior)4125
Adrenal fascicular zone atrophy83100080
Diffuse lung hemorrhage42*1700