Research Article

Proteomic Analysis Reveals the Deregulation of Inflammation-Related Proteins in Acupuncture-Treated Rats with Asthma Onset

Figure 6

Validation of the expression profiles of five inflammation-related proteins by western blot analysis. (a) A representative western blot visualizing the expression levels of CC10, S100A8, and RhoGDI2. β-actin was used to demonstrate equal loading. (a) Western blot analysis using the anti-rat RAGE extracellular domain monoclonal goat antibody demonstrates that the lung homogenate contains three bands that were approximately 48, 50, and 55 kD in size; the 48-kD band corresponds to sRAGE and the 55 and 50 kD bands correspond to full-length RAGE. (b) The densitometric quantification of individual proteins is expressed as the fold change compared to -actin. Each bar represents the mean ± SEM of triplicate experiments, and similar results were observed in all experiments. # , ## when comparing the AS group with the NC group; * , ** when comparing the AA group with the AS group.