Review Article

Prescription of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Selection of Acupoints in Pattern-Based Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Insomnia: A Systematic Review

Table 2

The commonly used Chinese herbal medicine for insomnia in subjects diagnosed with different TCM patternsa.

Deficiency of both the heart and spleen    ()Hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency   
Liver-qi stagnation transforming into fire   
Heart-kidney noninteraction   
Internal disturbance of phlegm  heat   
Qi deficiency of the heart and gallbladder   
Heart deficiency with timidity   

Number of studies that examined the TCM patternN = 64N = 53N = 43N = 13N = 34N = 20N = 15
Commonly used Chinese herbal formula (N, % of studies that examined the TCM pattern)Modified Gui Pi Tang
(19, 29.7%)
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
(5, 9.4%)
Modified Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (6, 14.0%); Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San (6, 14.0%)No formula was most frequently usedModified Wen Dan Tang
(10, 29.4%)
Modified An Shen Ding Zhi Wan
(7, 35.0%)
No formula was most frequently used
Number of studies that provided TCM treatment principle N = 11N = 9N = 8N = 1N = 6N = 5N = 1
Most commonly used treatment principle (N, % of studies that provided TCM treatment principle)Nourish heart and spleen (5, 45.5%)Nourish yin and suppress fire   
(5, 55.6%)
Soothe liver and purge fire   
(4, 50.0%)
Nourish yin, clear fire, and coordinate heart  and kidney   
(1, 100.0%)
Clear heat and resolve phlegm   
(5, 83.3%)
Tonify qi and settle fright   
(5, 100.0%)
Tonify qi and settle fright (1, 100.0%)
Number of studies that provided the composition of herbal formulaN = 54N = 43N = 39N = 11N = 29N = 16N = 13
Composition of herbal formula (% of studies that provided the formula’s composition)b
 Suanzaoren (Semen Z. spinosae) 75.9%58.1%48.7%45.5%58.6%68.8%69.2%
 Fuling (Poria) 40.7% 34.9%33.3%27.3%75.9%62.5%23.1%
 Yejiaoteng (Caulis P. multiflori)33.3% 46.5%41.0%/41.4%37.5%61.5%
 Gancao (Radix Glycyrrhizae)27.8% 39.5%51.3%/44.8%37.5%30.8%
 Baishao (Radix P. alba)24.1% 39.5%46.2%27.3%20.7%/23.1%
 Fushen (Poria cum Radix Pini)33.3% 25.6%23.1%//50.0%38.5%
 Hehuanpi (Cortex Albizziae)22.2% 34.9%30.8%/27.6%/46.2%
 Yuanzhi (Radix Polygalae) 53.7% 23.3%//41.4%62.5%38.5%
 Wuweizi (Fructus S. Chinensis) 24.1% 27.9%/27.3%//38.5%
 Baiziren (Semen Platycladi) 20.4% //27.3%//23.1%
 Shengdihuang (Radix Rehmanniae) / 48.8%30.8%27.3%///
 Danggui (Radix A. sinensis) 63.0% /51.3%////
 Dangshen (Radix Codonopsis) 51.9% ////43.8% /
 Baizhu (Rhizoma A. acrocephalae) 38.9% /20.5%////
 Honey-toasted Gancao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) 29.6% ////25.0%/
 Dazao (Fructus Jujibae) 24.1% //27.3%///
 Huanglian (Rhizoma Coptidis) / 41.9% //51.7%//
 Zhimu (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae) / 30.2%///31.3%/
 Chaihu (Radix Bupleuri) / /64.1%///23.1%
 Zhizi (Fructus Gardeniae) //53.8%/27.6%//
 Zexie (Rhizoma Alismatis) //23.1%27.3%///
 Zhenzhumu (Concha Margaritifera) //23.1%///46.2%
 Shichangpu (Rhizoma A. Tatarinowii) /////56.3%46.2%
 Longchi (Dens Draconis) /////50.0%30.8%
 Huangqi (Radix Astragali) 50.0%//////
 Ginger (Rhizoma Zingiberis) 20.4%//////
 Longyanrou (Arillus Longan) 31.5%//////
 Muxiang (Radix Aucklandiae) 31.5%//////
 Huangbo (Cortex Phellodendri) /20.9%/////
 Ejiao (Colla C asini) /41.9%/////
 Longdancao (Radix Gentianae) //35.9%////
 Yujin (Radix Curcumae) //33.3%////
 Danpi (Cortex Moutan) //23.1%////
 Huangqin (Radix Scutellariae) //28.2%////
 Shudihuang (Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata) ///27.3%///
 Dannanxing (Rhizome Arisaematis) ////27.6%//
 Chenpi (Pericarpium C. Reticulatae) ////44.8%//
 Zhuru (Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam) ////58.6%//
 Zhishi (Fructus A. immaturus) ////41.4%//
 Lime-water processed banxia (Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparatum) ////44.8%//
 Renshen (Radix Ginseng) /////25.0%/
 Hupo (Succinum) /////37.5%/
 Chuanxiong (Rhizoma Chuanxiong) /////25.0%/
 Longgu (Fossilia Ossis Mastodi) //////23.1%

aOnly those TCM patterns with more than 5 studies are presented.
bIndividual Chinese herbs used in at least 50% of the studies on a particular TCM pattern are bolded.